Seller & Landlord Info

The more effort is placed on preparation you put into preparing the property for sale is often key to making the difference in the sale price. It is a must and we recommend it. A few dollars spent can make the difference.

Whatever your reasons for selling your property, the process will be be stress free. We are with you every step of the way.

Timing and Completion Period

Potential buyers are always there particularly now in this low interest environment. Our marketing process has become more imperative and sophisticated than ever before, sometimes is not aabout money but timing for the purchaser. Rushing the selling process is not recommended. Key points to take into account.

Research shows that Spring and Summer months deliver great results if property is located in one of Sydney's beachside suburbs  particularly October-November and January-February. Christmas holiday season is one to avoid. However, tourists love this period as it is perhaps the only time available to purchase property while they are on holidays.

We recommend that the time required to sell/market the property be between 4 to 6 week after property is prepared for sale and all marketing material has been arranged. Particularly, contract for the sale of Land (prepared by acting Solicitor).

Appearance and Presentation

The property presentation is the most critical factor in delivering the utmost result. Buyers are motivated by how it all looks. A property not well presented may deter buyers and form a view that it costs thousands to beatify when in fact it may not. Remember time is money.

It is a must to attempt where possible to present the property looking its absolute best at inspections and Auction date. We call this the wedding day where the bride looks its absolute best in order to attract potential suiters.

  • Odours in the house ( food, pets, rubbish, etc...)
  • Cracks and wet walls may suggest movement and dampness
  • Ensure that all doors, windows and gates close properly and all have locks
  • Repair any crack tiles or glass
  • Keep as little furnishings as possible. Too much clutter may suggest rooms/living areas are too small.
  • Foor coverings to be steamed cleaned or repaired/touched up as well as lino floors. Timber may be touched up if possible.

You may seek a third party opinion, some of these items may resolved over a few days with little expense. We offer our clients such services through our trades people in assisting the preparation process.

If property is vacant. We would suggest to present it in a manner that it is furnished. This may cost $3,000 - to $5,000 during campaign.

Methods of Sale Available - Types of Agency Agreements

When selling property, there are variuos methods available to select from:

For Sale - Private Treaty | Public Auction | Public Tender or Expressions of interest  

The following types of agreements available are Auction/For Sale agency Agreements, Open Listing where seller is not committed to one agent. Conjunction/coagency arrangements where agents work together in the selling process.

Each has its own advantages and it is advisable to speak to your agent about the benefits of each method.

Our company has successfully utilised all three methods, however we have found sale by Public Auction to be the most effective method for properties located in the top 50 suburbs. Auction is effective in the event of there being difficulty in clearly determining the value of a property whereby a value range may be more practical.

Also, where a property is likely to attract more than one qualified buyer in the marketplace, auction allows competitive bidding to increase the final sale price. In the event that you choose to submit your property for sale by auction, research the success of each company's auctioneers, as a skilled auctioneer can add significantly to your end result.

Most auction marketing periods run for about four weeks.

Recommended Checklist ( Presenting property for Sale )

  1. A full clean up. Any debris, building materials etc...
  2. You will be amazed that by spending little money. The outcome of the sale price is generally more positive.
  3. Interior decorators can also assist in presenting the property.
  4. Up  to date building/pest inspection reports. It identifies work that may need to be carried out prior and can be used/produced to prospective buyers. This shows disclosure and transparency in the selling process.
  5. The Contract for Sale should be prepared q solicitor/conveyancer. The state of NSW requires that  prior to the property being offered for sale a contract is to be made available. Once we receive it by solicitor. We upload it to our website and it made available online for prospective buyers to peruse.
  6. Certificate/s of compliance may be obtained from your Council.
  7. Land Survey of the land and buildings is recommended to be attached to contract when selling a property.
  8. If tenant occupies the property a copy of lease should be attached. If current, you may or may not offer vacant possession.
  9. Inclusions and exclusions must be clearly noted on the contract for sale. Reasonable items include light fittings, floor coverings, curtains/blinds, antennae, stove, pool equipments, flyscreens etc. Make sure are noted
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